
Month 2!

The boys officially turned two months yesterday! We celebrated by going to Wal-Mart, meeting some friends for lunch, and getting their pictures taken. After the first two adventures, the boys were pretty cranky when it came time to say "Cheese!" Luckily Chii-Wey managed to get some good shots. I also updated their candids AND added a video of Zach enjoying the changing table window. You can view them all here! (pw:jma&z)

In other news, Zach had his first non-routine visit to the pediatrician's last Thursday. He woke up with yellow crustiness on his right eye. It also didn't seem to be draining correctly. Tears were running down his face. A quick Dr. Google search brought up "eye infection". Yikes! So I called and Dr. Jones (hehe) saw him right away. Apparently he has a narrow tear duct that will fix itself as he grows older. We just have to keep it clean with a soft cloth and water, and message the duct. Almost a week later, it seems to be fine.

We went to Poppa and Granny J's house for dinner on Sunday. Poor Alex had a diaper blow-out on the way and got his carseat messy. The boys were awake most of the time but did pretty well. Wayne held one while Jim ate and the baby kept grinning at him. Red was there and held them on his own for the first time. Just as everyone was getting ready for a tractor ride, the boys fell asleep. They love the outside, so I was a bit sad for them that they missed it. I think they would like the sound of the tractor and watching things go by.

The boys really like being rocked, especially outside in the evenings. The problem here is that the sun sets in their faces if we're on the back patio. There's also no roof over the swing, and explaining to a baby that it's raining is difficult. So we bought some rocking chairs and they were delivered yesterday. Aunt Lucy was nice enough to put them together for us last night.

Also on the rocking front, we tested out the glider a Poppa's to see if the boys liked it. It appeared that they did, so we might get one. They also liked the rocking recliners, so that might be an option for the living room.


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