
Month 1, Week 3

Things are going pretty well for the boys. We weighed them yesterday and both were over 11lbs. I knew they were getting heavy, but not that heavy! They have the cutest cubby cheeks now, which makes them harder to tell apart. I've added a couple of new pictures to their website (pw: jma&z) so you can see.

Overall it's been quiet around here since the last post. No major trips or anything. In fact, I think our last adventure was Publix on Saturday. It was Jim, the boys, and me. Lucy had the day off to do some shopping and movie watching. The boys were fussy the entire time pretty much. So what was supposed to be a normal trip ended up being stressful. I took them out to the van while Jim went through the checkout line solo. As soon as I got outside, they were happy as clams, though.

They continue to do ok during the night, with their good days and bad. A highlight was Alex sleeping from about 11pm to 5am one evening. Unfortunately it hasn't happened since. A low point was when Zach woke up every hour crying because his belly hurt. Around 6am he found the solution, but the bed and I ended up getting hit in the process. Normally when the boys wake up at 1am, 3am, and 5am they barely even open their eyes, though. They want food and back to sleep. Once they can see that it's light outside, it's a different story. We have room darkening blinds but light still seeps through the cracks. I'm thinking we need drapes over those. Maybe they'll sleep longer, to like 8am. The 6:30am thing is kind of early.

This week they've started turning their heads towards sounds and tracking things. Jim was holding one of them when Furball made a clanging sound as she drank from her water bowl. The baby turned his head to see what was going on. They'll also respond to rattles and squeaky toys when playing on the floor now. Just this morning, Alex was transfixed on me while in the swing. Wherever in the room I went, he would follow me with his eyes and turning his head as needed. They're becoming a lot more aware of their surroundings!

The discussion continues on whether I stay home with them or go back to work. Jim's work is supposed to have a "Town Meeting" this week to go over their plans for the future. There are rumors of another month-long layoff happening this fall. The idea of living off one income in this economy makes me nervous. Neither of our friends that were let go a month ago have found jobs yet. One isn't limiting himself to this area, either. Part of me feels like if I have a job, I would be stupid to turn it down, even if daycare costs a big chunk of the take-home pay. Then if Jim did get laid off, or worse, we'd still be covered.

That being said, I really haven't been able to warm up to the idea of a stranger essentially raising our boys, along with 3 other kids at the same time. They're still really little, so it's not a socialization situation yet. There's also the germs. Our pediatrician recommends waiting until they're at least one year old before starting daycare if you have the option. That ways their immune systems are developed enough to deal with all of the bugs they'll come in contact with.

Lucy goes back to school in 3 short weeks. I guess at that point I'll get a good taste of what managing 2 babies is like. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit scared at the prospect. Right now the only way I get things done is to have her hold both of them. I guess they're going to have to learn about disappointment, patience, and how to take turns. hehe


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