
Month 2, Week 2

It's day 3 of me staying home with the boys solo. Things have been going pretty well so far - no major breakdowns of them or me. Our normal day consists of them waking up between 6am and 6:30am. They get fed and their diapers changed. Jim will help out with one before he heads off to work. Once he leaves, me and the boys settle in for some cuddling time between 7:30am and 8am. They'll normally sleep another 3-4hrs with a snack break in there. Jim has been coming home during lunch and watching them while I get a shower and eat. The boys will stay up for another couple of hours and take a nap around 2pm.

Both boys really like the swing and bouncy chair now, which makes things SO much easier for me. It's to the point where sometimes they want one of those instead of being held. Right now I'm bouncing Zach in the chair. He cried and cried until I stuck him in it. Alex is sleeping on me, though, so at least one baby still wants me around. hehe

In milestone news, the boys have become ticklish under their arms. They laugh and coo whenever you get them there. They've been spending a lot of time on the floor, either on the playmat or resting in the boppy. Both are really good at following a rattle now. They have also graduated into size 2 diapers. They really seem to love breast feeding. I have to careful they don't overeat and throw up. Zach especially likes to drink himself to sleep. Neither wants a pacifier anymore, which is good because I think we've lost most of them.

I spoke with my boss on Monday. Things at work are a better (they're back to 40hrs per week) but it's all little projects. He couldn't tell me what I'd be working on if I came back next week. Things are that much in flux. I brought up the idea of taking at least a year off and he thought that would probably be a good thing, both from a business perspective and his personal feelings on raising kids. He's going to call me next week to finalize everything.

I think this is the best option for the boys right now, with swine flu, regular flu, and RSV seasons coming up. I also don't like the idea of someone else taking care of them. Financially I've drawn up a budget and we should do fine until they're ready for kindergarten or so.


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