
Month 2, Week 3

It's been a rough week around here. On Monday both boys and Jim came down with a cold. They had sore throats and runny noses, but luckily no fevers. Zach was up most of the night last night, angry at his stuffed up nose. He'd just drift off to sleep and a loud snort would wake him back up. When he did sleep, Alex would be awake and generally grumpy. They really didn't like the suction bulb (much screaming in angst) but it seemed to help some.

Along with the stuffed up noses has been extra spitting up (which also makes them mad). We've gone through just about every outfit they own, plus a ton of burp cloths. Zach managed to projectile vomit while breastfeeding, creating an interesting ricochet of milk.

Jim took half the day off work to try to rest up. I don't think he succeeded with the babies being extra fussy in the afternoon. I think the worst of it is behind us, though. Tonight their breathing is much improved, although around their eyes and their little noses are still red.

In baby milestone news, both boys are able to concentrate on a toy and bat it. It's really cute watching them make a fist and swing it at the dangling bug toy. Zach especially loves it. He'll lay on the playmat and just chatter away while trying to hit it. Alex is more somber, prefering to concentrate with less noise. Both also love sucking on their hands, sometimes really loudly. They've experimented on their thumbs but seem to prefer their whole fist instead.

They have also started having opinions about where they are and what they're doing. They'll cry until you've figured out what they want, whether it's in the bouncy chair or being held face out so they can look around. They also recognize me versus Jim. I was holding Zach when Jim came in the room. Immediately Zach saw him and started squirming. I handed him over to Jim and he was happy again.

I think I see the beginings of them holding their arms up when they want picked up. Their control isn't all that good just yet, but it seems to happen more than what I'd consider coincidence.

We've been able to put them down to sleep at 10pm in the evenings, fairly consistently. That's an improvement over holding them all evening and gives us a few hours to get things done around the house (or relax if it's been one of those days). My over protective side kicked in, though, and they now wear baby beepers at night. It's this little thing that clips to their diaper and detects their breathing. If they don't breathe for 15 sec, it vibrates. If they still don't breathe for another 5sec, an alarm goes off. We've ha d a couple of false positives on the vibration (Alex knocked his off one night) and even that seems enough to wake me up. The downside happened Monday night when Jim's phone kept vibrating for low battery and I thought it was one of the boys.

The mothers of multiples sale is this Friday. The plan is for me and Nina to meet up somewhere for dinner then head over there. I'm hoping to pick up a few things, like 3-6mo sleep sacks. It'll be nice to get out of the house, mainly. Jim's going to watch both boys, his first time attempting it. Hopefully they'll be good.


Say Chiis Photography said...

hey i'm really enjoying your posts!! good work! :)

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