
Week 26

It's still pretty early in the week but we had our MFS growth check-up today.  Everything with the babies is looking really good.  They are both 2lb 2oz, which puts them in the 60th percentile for weight.  Yay for being above average, even for singletons!

Bladders, stomaches, and fluid all looked great.  Baby B was in his "treehouse" and curled up under my ribs.  Baby A actually switched sides.  He's never moved from his spot before so we were pretty excited to see that.  Both babies are starting to get chubby cheeks and behinds, making them look less like aliens.

The MFS seems to think that even if everything goes smoothly from here on out, we're probably looking at a 34-36wk delivery.  It's even possible they could arrive as early as 30wks, but we're hoping that's not the case.  My contractions have been under control enough that right now the doctor isn't pushing for me to get a terbutaline pump.  It's a lot like a wearable insulin pump, but a different drug.  This isn't something I really want to go through.

This week I hit the 30lb over prepregnancy mark.  From here on out I'm supposed to gain 2lb per week to produce healthy babies.  It's already maternity shirts or nothing, so I'm not sure how another 15-20lbs is going to look - probably bad.  hehe

My cervix has stopped funneling but remains short at about 2cm.  The ideal length is 4cm.  While it will never be that long again, it's a good sign that it's stable.  I go back in another week for a check-up.

Here are some cute chubby cheek pictures.


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