
Week 24, Day 3-4

Well, things are looking pretty positive at this point.  I only had 1 contraction all night.  The rest are just random irritation.  My MFS came in first thing and took the belly strap off.  I'll only need to be monitored periodically with it.  Baby A immediately stretched out and kicked me in the ribs.  Baby B also got fired up and has been poking around.

Later today once my last dosage of antibiotics is done, I'll be leaving the IV behind.  I've also been "ordered" to take a shower.  hehe  No complaints there!  So by this afternoon I should resemble any number of humans you might pass on the street.  Yay!

The plan is still for me to stay another night for observation, I guess under normal habitat conditions.  If I can behave, I'll be released on Friday with a follow-up visit to the MFS on Monday.  The MFS will come back by tomorrow, I assume to check on me and give me any additional restrictions I should follow.  I would be kind of surprised if there wasn't some sort of at least partial bedrest condition.  The contractions have stopped but I'm not sure if the funneling has eased up due to less fluid or not.

There is a possibility that the excess fluid will return around Baby A.  If/when that happens, I'm not sure what the procedure would be.  It depends on what problems it causes and how far along the babies are at the time.

But right now they seem happy stretching, kicking me in the ribs, and generally goofing off in there.


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