
Week 12

This week has been tough. On Saturday a guy ran a red light and took the corner off my Accord. Other than a pretty big bruise on my left arm, everyone was ok. Luckily we already had a MFS appointment on Monday or I would have made one to be sure the babies were ok.

They are 100% fine and seem to be doing well. Their hearbeats were in the 150-160 range, their sizes were good, and they didn't have any signs of Down's Syndrome (excess fluid on the neck and lack of nose bones). In fact, we could see their little arms and legs waving around. Both had their hands near their faces. Very cute! You could also see their profiles.

Up until now I've sort of distanced myself from the idea of twins, mostly because I've read so much stuff about people loosing one or both before the 12 week mark. Sure, there are plenty of people that lost them later, too, but the 1st trimester seems to be the big turning point. I feel like I can really be happy about them now without as much worrying. There's zero things that have pointed towards there being any issues, which to me means we'll probably end up with 2 little bundles when it's all said and done. :D

My symptoms this week have been harder than most. Dealing with rental cars, insurance people, and missing my frequent snacks like normal resulted in me decorating the lawn outside of a pizza place. I've also been having headaches, with today's being fairly bad. Tylenol won't stay down, so I'm just sucking it up.

One thing that's helped me a lot when I start to feel sick is trying to visualize something to get my mind off it. Obviously it doesn't have a 100% success rate, but I'd put it in the 75% range. What I do is try to visualize a strawberry. I'm talking down to the smallest detail, like the reflection of light off the area around the seeds and the roughness of the leaves. I'll also try to dig up a scent memory so I can sort of smell the fruit.

Here's a picture of Baby A from Monday.

Here's Baby B. S/he is such a ham! We have like 8 pictures of him/her and only one good one of A! lol

Here's a top-down view of their heads. A is positioned down closer to the exit than B.


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