
Week 11

(I'm going to update based on by due date, not by MLP, so this will be 1 week behind the ticker.)

So far I've gained 5lbs since pre-pregnancy. The What to Expect with Twins, Triplets, and Quads book by Dr. Luke says I should be at 10-15lbs by now. A quick survey of the Twinstuff forums seem to indicate that I'm pretty normal and that the 20lbs by 20 weeks will probably still happen.

The biggest issue so far besides being very tired all the time is my prenatal vitamins have started to make me sick. From what I can find, it's probably the iron. My original OB had me taking both of the pills together. I'm hoping actually taking the AM one in the morning and the PM one at night will help. Tonight is the first test.

We had a checkup Tuesday this week. Here's a copy/paste of my response to a friend when he asked how it went.
The appointment was fairly pointless. My regular doctor was out so we had this other guy. Basically he only wanted to talk to J. My only interaction was when he doplered me for baby heartbeats. Naturally he could only find one (this is very typical). He said I was fat ("You look like 14 weeks!" (I'm only 11)) and left. Waste of time, imo.

Our MFS's next appointment is on Monday at 8am. This will be a u/s to determine things like Downs Syndrome and other abnormalities. I also am secretly wanting verification both twins are still doing ok (Vanishing Twin ftl).

We toured Greenville Hospital last night. It was ok but the maternity ward seemed kind of cramped. The rooms were small and the ceilings were low. J and I laughed at how everyone else were expecting within a month. Two were expecting next week! We felt like oddballs since everyone else was obviously pregnant. I'm juuust beginning to show, although maternicty pants have been required for about a week. Before that I was sporting pants a size bigger than I used to wear. That lasted a few weeks. lol


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