
The Garden

After about five days of rain, I finally checked on the garden. I had been worried that the peas would have been scorched by the sun before making a single sphere, but temps have stayed low with storms constantly blowing over.

So Alex helped me with a second harvest of snow peas. Some made it into the bucket and many got "lost" on the way. I got a couple of "I wuff peas, mom!" As he talked over a full mouth. 

The spring garden box is doing pretty well. You can just see the tiny orange carrots starting out, and the accidental onion has taken his chance at growing to heart. I'm not sure if the broccoli will make it before it gets too hot, but that's ok.

I've never grown an onion, and didn't plan to, so we are just learning as we go. 

One thing that's obvious is proper drainage in this monsoon is key. With drought conditions the past +6 years, I wasn't prepared. 

The bed on the front left has a bottom layer of grass clippings as a weed deterrent. The one on the front right has cardboard, because I thought I'd need to hold into as much water as possible. Both boxes have the same squash, zucchini, and kale but with a drastic difference in results!

I picked a decent amount of kale already but discovered caterpillars working their way through the leaves. It appears the are gone, and there should be enough left for the plants to recover. 

Here are a few other pictures from around our small patch of veggies. 

Bush bean flowers. 

Corn learning to swim. 

Spicy tasting broccoli protectors. 

Bony looking peas. 

Our spring garden with the peas tied into submission. Poor broccoli were in an eternal shadow. 

Blackberries making a start in the corner of the yard. 

One transplanted Azalea bush has stopped holding a grudge and is trying to bloom a second time. 


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