The nurse practitioner seemed to think that the boys should be eating less frequently and sleeping for longer stretches. Both boys still get up every 2hrs or so. She wanted them to go 3-4hrs at night. I'm not sure how we're supposed to change that. Personally I think this is one area where their 3.5wks prematurity comes into play. I'm going to just wait a little and see if they switch on their own.
Along with their visit was 5 vaccinations, and only one was oral - so 2 shots in each thigh. Alex got upset at the liquid vaccine and kept trying to spit it out. The nurses were really fast and had them done at lightening speeds. The boys were troopers and calmed down pretty quickly. I hugged them and wiped away their little tears.
Afterwards we went to Publix and got them some infant Tylenol. Sure enough, even with the medicine they ran a low fever most of the night. They weren't too cranky - mostly sleepy. Zach needed a lot more holding and rocking than normal, too. Even this morning both boys are a little on the tired side. What normally takes the a minute or two for them to wake up and announce they're hungry, took 15min today. They would whimper a little and fall back asleep. hehe
The boys have taken the concept of grinning and run with it. Here's a couple of pictures from yesterday before we left.
why didn't they grin when i was there!?! btw Miss C is me, Chii-Wey :)
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