
Week 35, Day 4

We just came back from our latest MFS check-up. Both babies are doing really well and the tech said she was surprised we hadn't already delivered them. Baby A weighs 6lb 8oz and Baby B weighs 5lb 9oz. Initially we were a little worried with the babies being almost a pound apart. The doctor said that the real situation is that Baby B is where they would expect him but Baby A is on the large side. They're actually more focused on Baby A since bigger babies develop slower. All of that being said, both are doing really, really well. They're practice breathing all of the time, squirming around, and have excellent cord flows.

The current plan is to have my next check-up on Monday at the regular OB. Wednesday we'll go in to the MFS for the ambio to check for lung development. If the test is positive, I'll most likely be induced or scheduled for a C-section the next day. They also gave me paperwork for over the weekend, should I go into labor before the test. I get the impression that they're taking bets on how long I'm going to last. hehe


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