This week it snowed. My MFS appointment was on Tuesday but they were still trying to catch back up from Monday's cancellations. This meant our appointment happened in record time. Everything looks good. Baby A is 1lb 7oz and Baby B is 1lb 6oz. This puts them above average on weight. Heartbeats were still in the 155-160's and they were just as squirmy as normal.
My cervix is closed up tight. I'm at almost 26lbs over my prepregnancy weight. My belly has been doing a lot of stretching, with a couple of sore days this week. Within the next month the boys will experience a growth spurt. I'm not sure I'm ready for that.
At the regular OB's office, they ran their normal tests. My iron looks good but my sugar and protein were high. For the sugar, it was probably the rootbeer I had with lunch. The last vice I have is gone. It's only water, milk, and juice for me now.
The doctor thinks the protein might be an indicator of a bladder infection. Apparently one of these while you're pregnant is typical and doesn't have the same symptoms as a normal one. I feel fine and can't tell the difference. I'm supposed to go back in next week for a follow-up.
Next week is a big milestone for the boys. It's when they become officially viable, meaning that if something were to happen, they could be born and have a chance to survive. For me, this means I'm going to be put on a home monitor for contractions. I'm still taking medication to stop them but I think they're just being extra cautious.
We had our first 2 Multiples classes this week at Greenville Hospital. They pretty much take you through the whole pregnancy and birth process as it relates to having two babies. There are 2 other couples in the class and it's boys all around. hehe Last night we watched a video of 3 different women going through 100% natural labor and birth. J grabbed my hand in the middle of it and we gave each other the "uh, I think a c-section looks mighty good about now" look. hehe
I think J is leaning back towards wanting to have the babies at Greenville Hospital. We haven't officially signed up at either one, so it's not a problem if we change our minds. He feels like the quality of people might be better, even if the rooms are small. I'm sure the built-in Chik-Fil-A and Starbucks aren't hurting his opinion of the place, either. I think either location would work fine.
There weren't too many pictures of the boys this week. Here's the best one, of Baby B resting his head against Baby A.
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