
Week 20

This week I've started to feel the boys moving and kicking. It's been a weird experience, especially when one tries to crawl up under my ribs. It would be better for all of us if I could breathe, boys!

Heartburn has also showed up in force, waking me up multiple times a night to take Tums. I'm switching to a prescription antacid and hope it helps.

Our doctor's visit this week went pretty well. Baby A still has more fluid than Baby B and has most likely gained some more over the previous week. Baby B has a normal amount of fluid. Both boys look healthy and active. Bladders, stomachs, and heartbeats all looked good.

The doctor said that at this point, it's a lot like I'm carrying triplets because of the extra room Baby A is taking up. That didn't really surprise me since my belly has been doing some serious stretching this week. It's hard to find a comfortable sleep position because of the soreness sometimes.

I completed my first week of non-work today. We're still working through the paper work with my HR department. Hopefully that will be done soon and I can stop stressing about it. hehe


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