And what they're doing is getting big. Alex has moved up to the next size diaper (size 1, 8lb to 14lb) and has started wearing 0-3mo clothes. Zach is finishing off the newborn diapers since his belly isn't quite as big. It'll probably be a week or so before he switches to the bigger clothes, though. He's just not built the same as Alex. Zach is longer and skinnier. Alex has a big belly and is more compact.

The night after my last post, Alex's umbilical cord came off. Both boys got a bath in the blue tub today. It's kind of hard to judge when to wash them but I'm shooting for 2 or 3 times a week. Of course Zach threw up all over himself and J about 2hrs later. hehe
They have dry skin on their faces, hands, and feet still. I've been trying to put moisturizer on them daily and it seems to help some. The skin seems to flake off and doesn't hurt or leave the skin underneath red.
They also got their first nail trim. When they were first born, their nails weren't anywhere close to the end of their fingers. Within the last couple of days, though, they've gone from soft baby hands to razor sharp talons. I cut them while they were asleep in my lap. No blood was drawn and neither woke up. One down, 5 million to go!
Alex and Zach's newborn days of sleeping quietly are over. They're now big boys and want to do big boy things like grunt and fuss if they're not being held during the day. Zach's taken to waking up crying even though we can't find anything wrong. Right now he's passed out on me and Alex is resting on J's chest while we both surf on our laptops.
I don't mind the neediness, though. It's kind of nice holding them. It just gets a little much when it's both of them requiring your full attention. J and I have both learned how to hold and carry both of them at the same time. I've also bought a Moby Wrap so I can wear one baby around hands-free. I'm still learning the correct tightness but it seems to instantly put a fussy baby to sleep the few times I've tried it. J wants me to get another one so we have a 1:1 baby to wrap ratio. hehe They're only $40 and work up to 35lb.
One nice thing, at least for now, is they don't need someone to hold them at night. We do our normal feed-burp-diaper-feed-sleep routine without any variation. I've continued to half-swaddle them from the chest down, mostly for warmth. They're also wearing socks on their hands to keep them warm. The entire house is set to 72°F but the ceiling fan in our room makes a little breeze.
Zach seems to be sensitive to whatever Alex is doing. If Alex is upset, Zach starts getting cranky, too. If Alex is grunting to make a dirty diaper, Zach joins in. Alex coos and Zach coos in reply. On the flip side, Alex doesn't seem to care much about what Zach is actively doing, but when it comes to sleep time, Alex reaches out to touch Zach. Even if we switch which side each is on, Alex will reach out with just the hand closest to Zach to be sure he's there.
Next weekend is the 4th of July and their unofficial 1 month Birthday. Our plan is to have J's family over for a cookout and some pool time. I'll have him call around with the details early this week.
On the 5th our friend is coming back over to shoot their 1 month photos. I wanted to do a sort of 4x6 frame collage thing on the living room wall with their monthly pictures but haven't had much luck finding frames. One company sells pretty close to what I want for $350. I went to the craft store and the smallest wooden frames they have are 5x7. Target will sell me 4x6 frames for like $25 ea. I'm not sure why this is so difficult and expensive. You'd think with so many digital cameras and printouts you'd be swimming in 4x6 frames.
Here's some pictures from this week.
This baby thing is easy!

A Moby'd Zach